The Big Leeds Chat - 2 months of listening to you

The last Big Leeds Chat ran through September and October 2021. We hosted chats in local communities  across Leeds. There was an online chat, Communities chats and children and young people's chats.

The last Big Leeds Chat was bigger than ever!

The BLC 2021 Report

What you told us

The Big Leeds Chat brings senior leaders from across the health and care system together with the public as one #TeamLeeds, so that they can listen to people’s experiences around health and wellbeing, in the broadest sense of the term, and find out what matters most to them.

43 chats were had from September to November, involving dozens of decision makers and chat makers who came along from all parts of health and care, including the third sector.

15 key themes came out of their responses, which serve as a useful starting point for discussions about how we can take action based on what people told us.

We would like to say a huge “thank you” to the hundreds of people who joined in the Big Leeds Chat 2021 all around the city.

You can read the report by clicking here

Big Leeds Chat 2021 report

We did many chats accross the city

A busy weekend of chats, took place in Otley Festival of Kindness, York Road Big Leeds Chat, and HATCH chats at the Reginald Centre.

"Learnt so much about resilience, local community assets and positive feedback regarding primary care and the need for more healthy living activities / access for all. Thank you to the people who gave their time today." Catherine Ward, Leeds City Council.

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories and thoughts.

Big Leeds Chat postcard
Big Leeds Chat postcard
Big Leeds Chat postcard
Chatting at HATCH Reginald Centre
Hannah Parveen Val and Chatmaker

Big Leeds Chat in Morley

Wow, thank you Morley for speaking to us and sharing your thoughts on the past 18 months, how they have coped and what was good and bad. We spoke to some amazing people who had lots to say about health and care services in Morley. Thank you!

Two ladies explained how they were both clinical extremely vulnerable and shielded but supported each other through the pandemic. "Its been really hard, I'd have been lost without her"

Jim Barwick, CEO of Leeds GP Confederation. "Fantastic to talk to people there. Powerful stories. Such a vital service" 

Thank you Morley!

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Big Leeds Chat postcard
Big Leeds Chat postcard
Chat makers in yellow tee shirts Talking to young mum
Julian Hartley Leeds hospitals Morley

The Big Leeds Chat Beeston Festival

Thank you Beeston Festival! - On Saturday 18 September Big Leeds chat was at Beeston Festival Leeds.

Karl Witty, PVG member said, "Today's Big Leeds Chat BeestonFestival has been such a great opportunity for people involved in health and care to genuinely listen to people. But, also an opportunity for everyone to connect with friends & colleagues, share experiences and learning."

We spoke to over 60 people at the festival all sharing their experiences of the past 18 months and their experiences of health and care in Beeston.

Pat McGeever, 3rd Sector Rep,Leeds Health & Wellbeing Board said,  "You can't overstate the value of meeting people face to face and hearing their stories, but also hearing the value of community services." 

Thank you Beeston!

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Big Leeds Chat postcard
Big Leeds Chat postcard
Nathan Pat am BLC Chatmaker
Beeston Festival logo

The Big Leeds Chat Armley Festival

Thank you Armley Festival! - On Saturday 11 September Big Leeds chat was at Armley Festival Leeds, It was a great day of music, fun, dancing and of course, chatting! Paul Bollom, Head of Health Care Developments,  Leeds Partnerships Team was in attendance as a decision maker and said, "some conversations full of community pride and tales of 18 months of resilience!"

Alongside Paul was our very own Parveen who was joined by Pip Goff from Forum Central, Lord Mayor, staff from Linking Leeds , Leeds CCG, Public Health, Leeds City Council and BARCA Leeds  all there as a chat makers and decision makers to hear what the people of Armley had to say and make sure their voices count.

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Big Leeds Chat postcard
Armley-Festival flyer

Where's your chat at?

All the BLC 2021 events below. If you have any questions regarding the Big Leeds Chat please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email or phone 0113 898 0035.

Click below to download an accessible word document of dates. 

Big Leeds Chat dates

Big Leeds Chat postcard

The Big Leeds Chat!

The first event! – The Big Leeds Chat 2021 started on Saturday 4 September at OPAL Leeds16 Community Centre, attended by Alex Sobel MP and Cllr Emma Flint, Lord Mayor of Leeds and of course more importantly, people sharing their stories and being listened to! 

Our very own CEO of Healthwatch Leeds, Hannah Davies was there as a chatmaker to listen to people and start the BLC ball rolling!

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Big Leeds Chat postcard

The Big Leeds Chat on tour 2021

So the Big Leeds Chat tour 2021 happened throughout September and October 2021.

To sign up to the newsletter, or find out when and where your local chat is happening email or telephone the team on 0113 898 0035

This time, we didn't think it’s the right time or 'covid- safe' to do a big event in Kirkgate market, so the focus will be on 4 different components:

Big Leeds Local Chats – we know as a city that only thinking as a big city in terms of planning health and care services doesn’t work. What works for communities living in Beeston might be different for people living in Wetherby. So hearing from people in those areas directly will give those that plan and deliver services the understanding about what is working and what needs to be improved.

Online – we know from covid that online engagement can really work for some people and communities, especially those that may still be nervous about coming out or where online works best for them. So this year we are going to trial something completely new about how we can develop an online listening BLC whilst remaining true to the core principles of the BLC.

Community groups - Core to the BLC is listening to those communities facing the greatest health inequalities in Leeds. We will be working with our third sector community partners to hold targeted BLCs with specific groups.

Children and young people (C&YP) – we really want to make sure that C&YP are listened to and heard throughout this BLC tour 2021.

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Doing things differently

Understanding the needs and preferences of local people is essential if we are to develop high quality, safe and sustainable healthy and care services in Leeds. The Big Leeds Chat is the first time that all organisations in Leeds have come together to listen to local people. The aim of the event was hear what people think about living in our city and to show Leeds citizens that we are working together as one health and care system.

The Big Leeds Chat is a ‘conversation’ about what matters to local people. The conversation focussed on, but was not limited to, health and wellbeing.

We asked people three simple questions:

  • What do you love about living in Leeds?
  • What do you do to stay healthy?
  • What would you like to see change to make Leeds an even better city to live in?

Click on the video above to watch

Thanks for the chat!

It's been an absolute pleasure to be part of the Big Leeds Chat 2019
It was bigger and we were able to bring the responses of the City back to you from 2018's Big Leeds Chat. To show you what they have said and done with what you told us last year.

The main event in Leeds Kirkgate Market, on Thursday 7 November, was busier than last year!

We set up a 'Talkeoke' station which was a circular table where people could talk into microphones to share their experiences. We had so many great conversations, the Talkeoke was also a very fun addition to the day. It was good to see some of the people from the previous year and some new faces too!

This year we shook it up a bit and took the chat to you. We went out to some of the places in Leeds so you could speak to us. Places like Wetherby, Morley, Otley, Richmond Hill and Bramley. It was great to hear what those different communities had to say too.

Click here to read the Big Leeds Chat 2019 report.

If you want to find out what people told us last year, please read our evaluation report, available here.

Remember Healthwatch Leeds is here all year to hear what you have to say.

We always want to hear what you have to say about Health and social care services, so if you have something to say, please do get in touch. 0113 898 0035.

Big Leeds Chat postcard

Big Leeds Chat postcard
Big Leeds Chat postcard

Why we did it

Within Leeds we have an ambition to be the best city to live in for health and wellbeing. Our vision is that Leeds will be a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest. The people of Leeds are at the heart of our ambitions, and we strive to work with people in improving their health and wellbeing; this is true from a decision-making level and the future plans for the city, through to every day service delivery with the people accessing health and care services right now.

There are a number of things which need to happen to make this a reality. Health and care bodies working together, having a stronger focus on being healthy and preventing poor health as well as offering excellent services for if we become poorly, making it easy to access support when we need it, using technology when it helps, understanding that the houses we live in, the jobs we have, the communities we live in all have a big impact on our health and wellbeing.

We believe though, that key to making this happen, is doing it all with the people of Leeds.

“It’s an exciting time for health and wellbeing in this city and we’re putting the people of Leeds at the heart of our transformation” – Cllr Rebecca Charlwood, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board

Big Leeds Chat map image

Click on the map above to see full size

The BLC Report

What you told us

The event was focussed on people who were using Leeds market on Thursday 11 October 2018. 
We estimate that we spoke to around 500 people during the Big Leeds Chat. People told us that they love living in Leeds, not least because the people are so friendly. They also said that they enjoy living in a big and diverse city which offers both great shopping and access to green spaces. In terms of their wellbeing, people said that they look after themselves by eating healthily and exercising.

You can read the report by clicking here

Big Leeds Chat materials image

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